1.) I'm proud that I didn't have to use any note cards and that I knew the information from the top of my head without really having to pause or think about what I was going to say. I reviewed the power point like once, and I think I did pretty decently.
2.) I think I would give myself a P+. I think I really explained my information more than thoroughly. My first activity was really engaging and I could see a lot of people had fun with it, and it explained the concept I was teaching extremely well. I really knew my information and I had all my materials prepared and ready.
For my Senior Project I think I deserve an AE-/P+. I learned a great deal of information and I'm one of the few projects where I can apply what I've learned throughout the rest of my life. My research was solid and on more than one occasion I've been told my presentations were good by more than one teacher and student. I was able to do a great independent component and my service learning was decent.
3.) The research was good. The independent learning was also pretty good. I had fun with that and learned a bit. Everything pretty much went ok. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad either.
4.) Service learning. I was told by my original service learning person in december that I couldn't end up doing service learning there so I had to think fast to get service learning.
5.) I know my way around a car, so if I ever need a job, its just one more thing i can add to the resume. In terms of endeavors i don't plan on being a full time mechanic, but its still a good thing to know. It helps save money though since I know how to service my own car.
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